Mouse infestations can result in significant damages to your home’s walls, electrical wiring, and roof. This is why it’s important to take immediate action after noticing signs of mice activity such as droppings, scratch marks, and gnawed furniture. Fortunately, a professional exterminator can conduct a thorough inspection and use multiple effective methods for long-term eradication.
The cost of mice exterminator services depends on several factors, including the extent of the pest problem and treatment methods used. If you have a severe mouse infestation, it may require more extensive extermination techniques, such as trapping and baiting, that can lead to higher service costs than a minor problem. Additionally, specialized extermination methods, such as fumigation, can also increase your overall service cost.
Mice can cause major damage to your home and pose health risks, including disease transmission and food contamination. Therefore, it’s important to hire a professional exterminator to address your mice problem as soon as possible.
When selecting a mice exterminator, look for credentials and experience to ensure they have the expertise necessary to treat your specific infestation. Additionally, ask about their rates and how often they charge for service. For example, some companies offer monthly or quarterly preventive treatments to keep mice away from your property for good, while others charge per visit.
During your initial visit, a pest control technician will perform a thorough inspection to determine the size and scope of the infestation. They will search your home for areas where mice may be hiding and seal any entryways to keep them out. In addition, they will set bait stations and snap traps throughout your home to lure mice in and kill them. They can even place glue traps in areas where mice are known to frequent, such as bathrooms and quiet corners.
If you’d rather not kill mice, many companies offer non-lethal preventive treatments, such as spraying a chemical around the perimeter of your house that deters them from entering. This can last a few weeks to a few months, depending on the weather and how much repellent is applied.
Other non-lethal options include using sticky traps that capture mice as they attempt to run on them, and rat zappers, which kill them instantly by electrocuting them with metal prongs. If you decide to kill mice with poison, be sure to select a product that’s safe for children and pets. The most common types of poison are phosphine, a solid that becomes a gas when exposed to air and is fatal if inhaled, and formaldehyde, which stops rodent cells from dividing.